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P E R M A N E N T  M A K E U P | L I P  B L U S H | L I P  N E U T R A L I Z A T I O N

L E A R N  M O R E

The more you know, the better.


There are some key differences between the two types of lip services we offer. Getting better informed on each service will help you make a decision on which is best for you, your lip goals and lifestyle. If you are still unsure after reading about the differences on Lip Blush and Lip Neutralization we can discuss it further in person.

L I P  B L U S H
The lips you've always wanted

Lip Blush is a newer permanent makeup procedure wherein we use a
rotary/permanent makeup machine to tattoo the lip! A feathering technique is used that creates little pixels of tattoo on the lip which allows for a more natural healed look as opposed to tattooing lips in a more solid and saturated manner. Through Lip Blush, we can enhance the natural beauty of your lips. We can improve the shape, symmetry, and give the illusion of fuller lips while giving you a natural looking lip tint. Lip Blush can also help cover lip conditions such as Fordyce spots.

What to expect when coming in for your appointment?

We initially will have a FaceTime or in-person consultation where we will discuss your goal color, your lip and skin tone, what the process would be to reach your goal color, and before and after care instructions. During the initial appointment, we will start by taking before photos, and then will start outlining your lips – this is where we would address any symmetry or any specific needs as far as the lip shape. Once the client has given us consent to begin, we continue onto the lip blush tattooing process.

Service Time: 2½ - 3 Hours
Cost: $500 (Complimentary 8-10 Week Touch-Up Included)
Ideal For: Lighter (almost a white lip) and warm tone transparent lips.


*Results last 1-3 years depending on aftercare/lifestyle


L I P  N E U T R A L I Z A T I O N
Neutralize with a natural look

Lip Neutralization is also a newer permanent makeup procedure that focuses on process of neutralizing (correcting/lightening) current lip tones, and creating an even foundation, while also making your goal lip color a priority! When neutralizing, our initial goal is to lighten the lips and make them even in tone, so that we can build on that foundation. Once we have created that foundation, we can focus on your goal lip color. We use a rotary/tattoo machine and a feathering technique that creates little pixels of tattoo on the lip which allows for a more natural healed lip.

What to expect when coming in for your appointment?

We initially will have a FaceTime or in-person consultation where we will discuss your goal color, your lip and skin tone, what the neutralization process would be and what route we would take to reach your goal color, and before and after care instructions. During the initial appointment, we will start by taking before photos, and then will start outlining your lips – this is where we would address any symmetry or any specific needs as far as the lip shape. Once the client has given us consent to begin, we continue onto the lip blush tattooing process.

Service Time: 2½ - 3 Hours
Cost: $550 (Complimentary 8-10 Week Touch-Up Included)
Ideal For: Melanin rich, cool tone, and hyper-pigmented lips.


*Results last 1-3 years depending on aftercare/lifestyle


Please note that not all lips are the same, and you may require additional touch up appointments to get to your goal color. If you are a neutralization client, we offer a third touch up that is done between 6 - 9 months after your touch up where we will continue the neutralization process and implant more pigment.


Ready for your dream lips?

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